da grenalização do mundo

Um bom comentário, falando das taxas sobre uso de energia solar e outros assuntos “polêmicos”:

But in polarized times, anything one side says or does is automatically nefarious to the other side — something to be attacked and rejected. The solar fee is just one example of what happens to a lot of important issues these days; gun control, climate change, immigration, universal health care coverage. The issue gets framed by one side or the other — the left calls for big government to support clean energy, the far right calls gun ownership a matter of individual liberty — and from then on the debate is sucked into the vortex of the Value Wars, and no matter what anyone says or does, we can only see it in that ‘whose side are you on’ context.

Sob risco de soar meio luddita, ainda acho que Twitter e Facebook, com seus formatos que privilegiam o texto curto e a inexistência de links, têm parcela razoável de culpa na aparente preguiça generalizada das pessoas em conseguir construir um raciocínio lógico e com um mínimo de contexto. E, claro, viés de confirmação.

posted: 14 May 20
under: Uncategorized