Jornalismo sob ataque
No mesmo dia que o Andrew Sullivan declara que o jornalismo foi derrotado pela publicidade (na forma da “publicidade nativa”), impossível deixar passar esse comentário sobre a demissão da editora-chefe do NY Times:
Sulzberger’s frustration with Abramson was growing. She had already clashed with the company’s C.E.O., Mark Thompson, over native advertising and the perceived intrusion of the business side into the newsroom. Publicly, Thompson and Abramson denied that there was any tension between them, as Sulzberger today declared that there was no church-state—that is, business-editorial—conflict at the Times. A politician who made such implausible claims might merit a front-page story in the Times. The two men and Abramson clearly did not get along.
Portanto, me desculpem se acho que eis aí um assunto bem mais preocupante para a comunicação do que o Neymar usar o Twitter para fazer uma campanha anti-racismo.
posted: 14 May 14
under: Uncategorized