Baader-Meinhof ataca novamente
Listen in this episode as Michael Bond, explains that the more research the social sciences conduct, the less the idea of a mindless, animalistic mob seems to be true. He also explains what police forces and governments should be doing instead of launching tear gas canisters from behind riot shields which actually creates the situation they are trying to prevent.
As a task force appointed by Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, noted in April, “The collective bargaining agreements between the police unions and the city have essentially turned the code of silence into official policy.”
E, bem, isso ou qualquer outra versão recente:
O G1 questionou a SSP sobre o que a pasta considera como “objetos utilizados em atos de vandalismo”, mas não obteve resposta até a última atualização desta reportagem.
Chances de aquelas conversas lá de cima serem discutidas aqui num futuro próximo? Eu recomendaria esperar deitado em uma cama bem confortável.
posted: 16 September 5
under: Uncategorized